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Contact Us

Emergencies: If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, dial 9-1-1. If it is after hours and you would like to speak with a nurse, dial the main number (858) 534-3300 and select the option for the "Advice Nurse." If you or a friend are a victim of rape or sexual assault or are experiencing personal safety concerns, contact CARE at SARC, the campus advocacy and education office for sexual violence and gender-based violence (dating violence, domestic violence, stalking).
You can schedule appointments by calling the provider’s group directly or by calling the main scheduling line (858) 534-3300. Many Student Health appointments can also be self-scheduled online in MyStudentChart.

Department Phone Numbers

Department Phone Fax

Main Line

  • Appointments
  • Nurse Advice
  • Urgent Care
Group 1 858-534-2918 858-534-1910
Group 2 858-822-5926 858-534-6048
Group 3 858-534-5571 858-534-6023
Group 4 858-534-2669 858-822-7515
Health Promotion Services 858-246-4500 858-534-6033
Insurance (UC SHIP) 858-534-2124 858-822-5910
Medical Records 858-534-2139 858-534-7545
Optometry 858-534-2602 858-534-4749
Pharmacy 858-534-2135 858-534-0814

E-mail, Messaging, & Feedback

We regularly monitor inboxes for messages and feedback and make every effort to respond in a timely manner. Use the links below to send us e-mail, ask a question, or submit feedback. Please allow up to 3-5 days for a response.

For email, always start the subject line with “secure:” to protect your personal information. Please do not send any medical information or medical questions through e-mail. If you are a registered student, use the Ask-a-Nurse link below to send a secure message.

Mailing Address

​UC San Diego Student Health Services (0039)
9521 Mandeville Lane
La Jolla, CA 92093-0039​

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