Patient Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient of the UC San Diego Student Health Services
You Have the Right to:
- Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity regardless of race, age, beliefs, gender, or lifestyle.
- Be provided with confidentiality and privacy in all communications and records pertaining to your care. Except as required by law, your written permission must be obtained before we may release information to anyone not connected with your care.
- Review and request copies of your medical record.
- Request interpreter services, if needed, at no cost to you.
- Receive complete and clear information about your diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis.
- Participate in decisions involving your healthcare, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
- Give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure, test, or treatment.
- Refuse treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of non‐treatment.
- Give consent or refuse to participate in research projects affecting your care.
- Know the appropriate methods for expressing comments or concerns about services: comment boxes, website, and email
- Know the names and credentials of your providers and change your provider at any time.
- Request a chaperone be present during your medical exam, or to end an exam at any time for any reason.
- Know about any fees for service and payment policies.
- Have access to information about advance directives.
You Have the Responsibility to:
- Provide complete and accurate information to the best of your ability about your health, including medications, supplements, allergies, or sensitivities.
- Ask questions about your care and understand the prescribed treatment.
- Follow the agreed‐upon treatment plan and participate in your care.
- Provide a responsible person to transport you home and to remain with you if required by your provider.
- Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by insurance.
- Behave respectfully towards staff, other patients, and visitors.
ASK……When you want to know.
SPEAK UP……When you have questions.
SMILE……When you like what happens.
COMPLAIN……When you have problems.
If you have a suggestion, compliment, wish to file a complaint, or feel your rights have not been respected:
- Complete comment boxes, website feedback form, or email
How to Make a Report of Sexual Harassment and Notice of Nondiscrimination:
- Speak with a Title IX officer, please call (858) 534-8298.
- Submit an online report.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities (PDF)
Related forms and information:
Consent for Medical Treatment (PDF) — for any student under 18 years of age seeking health care. Have a parent/guardian sign it, and fax it to our Medical Records Department at (858) 534-7545. If you have questions, call Medical Records at (858) 534-2139.
Notice of Privacy Practices — HIPAA (PDF) — Your rights and our obligations regarding the use and disclosure of your medical information in accordance with state and federal regulations.