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Well-Being & Prevention

The Eight Dimensions of Well-Being

Learning about the Eight Dimensions of Well-Being can help you choose how to make well-being a part of your everyday life. Well-Being strategies are practical ways to start developing healthy habits that can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.
  1. Emotional—Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships​
  2. Environmental—Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
  3. Financial—Satisfaction with current and future financial situations
  4. Intellectual—Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
  5. Occupational—Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work
  6. Physical—Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep
  7. Social—Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
  8. Spiritual—Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life

​Prevention Priorities

At Student Health Services and Health Promotion Services, we partner with students to improve their health and well-being and to support their overall success at UC San Diego. Through promotion of health evaluations, immunizations, and supporting the development of healthy habits regarding sleep, nutrition, physical activity, sexual health, substance use and stress management, we provide the foundation for student's current and future well-being. 

In pursuit of a well-informed, healthy campus community, our work is guided by evidence-​based practices within the following priority areas:

  • Provide education, skills, vaccines, and vaccine education and promotion to reduce risk of infectious and communicable diseases such as influenza, COVID, and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Provide support, skills and nicotine replacement therapy for those who would like to quit smoking.
  • Provide education about and access to birth control to prevent unintended pregnancies and support reproductive and sexual health.
  • Provide education and skill-building opportunities to reduce risk from alcohol and other drugs.
  • Encourage the use of helmets, seatbelts and other ways to reduce injury.
  • Provide education and services to promote healthy eating, weight management and physical activity.
  • Provide education on healthy sleep habits.
  • Provide education, skills and services that help students manage stress.
  • Create an environment where students have an interest in and access to skills and services that contribute to their well-being.
  • Engage and collaborate with campus partners to advocate for a shared vision and responsibility in student health and well-being, and cultivate partnerships that advance health promotion initiatives.

Maintaining Well-Being

Attending UC San Diego is about more than just taking academic courses. While your intellect is being broadened and developed, it is important that you nurture your physical and mental health to maintain balance and well-being.

Person practicing yoga during the sunset.

Be Physically Active

Structure your time so that you have at least 30 minutes per day for recreational activity. This will help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your physical and emotional well-being, and reduce tension. The UC San Diego campus has numerous athletic facilities for student use, including RIMAC, a state-of-the-art recreational facility. Remember, when exercising outdoors, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

Eat Well

Try to start your day with breakfast and eat consistently throughout the day to provide your body with consistent energy. Create variety within your meals and snacks by incorporating carbohydrates, protein sources, fat sources, fruits and vegetables. Remember to take time to socialize and relax with others during your meals and cultivate or maintain a positive relationship with food.


Reduce Stress

Be sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night.  If you find yourself in a stressful situation, ask others how you can best manage it. Get involved in student organizations, clubs and activities available on campus. Maintain your sense of humor. Understand how others impact your mental and emotional health. Discuss your feelings with others, including family, friends and health professionals at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), where services are free and confidential, or at Student Health.

Maintain High Self Esteem

Make intelligent choices and take responsibility for your health. Focus on developing friendships. There are numerous social and volunteer activities available at UC San Diego. Participate and broaden your experiences while increasing feelings of self-worth and creating new friendships.

Don't Smoke or Vape

Smokers have three times greater chance of dying from heart disease and 25 times greater chance of developing lung cancer. Smokers suffer from an increased incidence of asthma, allergy and sinus disease, sleep disturbances, stomach problems, and numerous other diseases. If you are a current smoker, contact the Health Promotion department at Student Health Services for assistance in quitting.

Don't Use Drugs and Avoid Alcohol


The greatest risk to your life is related to the use of drugs or alcohol, which impede judgment and motor skills. 50% of all driving fatalities are attributed to alcohol use. Being under the influence of these substances may also put you at risk for an unplanned pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection. Counseling and Psychological Services can help you understand the reasons behind your substance use and help change your behavior.