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Federal law (HIPAA) requires all health care organizations to provide patients with a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) and have patients acknowledge receipt of the notice. This document can be found on MyStudentChart and is posted in the SHS building.
As always, we remain committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of your health information and will continue to adhere to state and federal law. If you have questions about this notice, please contact us at (858) 534-3300 or email studenthealth@ucsd.edu.
Q: What is HIPAA?
A: HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
Q: What is the Notice of Privacy Practices?
A: Starting April 14, 2003, HIPAA requires all health care organizations to provide patients with a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) that explains your rights regarding your protected health information (PHI). You have the right to:
Q: Why does the Notice of Privacy Practices refer to things that do not apply to health care provided at Student Health Services, like hospital stays?
A: Because Student Health Services is a part of the larger University of California organization we are required to provide you with the generic Notice of Privacy Practices issued by all University of California health care operations. You may find that some of the information in the NPP does not apply to you or Student Health Services. The section "Hospital Directory", for example, does not apply directly to Student Health Services since we do not provide in-patient care.
Q: Will Student Health Services disclose my protected health information for all the reasons cited in the Notice of Privacy Practices?
A: The NPP says we "may use and disclose" your protected health information for various purposes, but that does not mean that we will use or disclose your information for all the reasons cited. Even though the NPP says "we may also give information to someone who helps pay for your care", that does not mean we will break your confidence and contact a friend or family member. We will only contact family members regarding your medical information if you give us express authorization to do so or in the case of life threatening emergencies.
Q: Will other students have access to my protected health information?
A: The University of California is a teaching and research organization; therefore, your medical information may be disclosed to medical residents who are directly involved in your care at Student Health Services. Your protected health information shall not be disclosed to other UC San Diego students while you receive care at Student Health Services.
Q: If my parent calls Student Health Services and asks about my medical information, what will happen?
A: We will only discuss your medical information with your parent if you have given us express authorization to do so by completing an Authorization to Release or Exchange Confidential Information Form.