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ServicesPharmacy Flyer

  • SHS Pharmacy is open during regular clinic hours and closed on university holidays.

  • We offer specific UC SHIP Pharmacy copays for prescriptions and special discounted over-the-counter (OTC) items
  • UC SHIP allows us to write refills for a 90 day supply for UC SHIP patients, retail pharmacies can’t do more than 30 days.
  • Please contact your PCP through MyStudentChart or call our SHS Pharmacy at (858) 534-2135 to ask for refills. 
  • We are able to mail your prescriptions with any over-the-counter items to any house or apartment address in California for FREE. We can also send prescriptions to outside pharmacies. Call our pharmacist if you need this service: (858) 534-2135, and please allow 2-3 days to receive your prescription.
  • Purchases can be paid for at a later date using your student account
  • Free birth control for most brands and emergency contraception with insurance, $20 for emergency contraception without insurance
  • For those not under UC SHIP, we now offer students 25% off generic and 15% off brand-name prescriptions over $15

​For after-hours advice, use MyStudentChart or call the main phone number (858) 534-3300 and select the "Advice Nurse" option.

Availability and Pricing

The Student Health Pharmacy is available to all registered students with student health copays.

UCSD SHS Pharmacy Vs.    Retail Pharmacy
$5 generic formulary copay $10 generic forumulary copay
$25 brand-name formulary copay $40 brand-name formulary copay
$40 brand-name non-formulary copay $100 brand-name non-formulary copay

Common OTC Drug Comparison

​Acetaminophen 500mg ​$2.18/100ct ​$6.29/50ct
​Ibuprofen 200mg ​$2.00/100 tablets ​$9.29/100 tablets
​Cetirizine (Zyrtec generic) ​$1.92/30 tablets ​$18.99/30 tablets
​Generic Dayquil ​$2.79/24ct ​$9.24/24ct  

OTC Drug Pricing (PDF)

Students with UC SHIP insurance maximize their pharmacy benefit by using the SHS Pharmacy.

Prescriptions written by a healthcare provider outside Student Health can be filled at SHS by asking your healthcare provider to e-prescribe your prescription to UCSD Student Health Services Pharmacy or call (858) 534-2135.

Call us at (858) 534-2135 during business hours and give us the name and phone number of the pharmacy and the name or prescription number of the medication. Allow 24 hours to transfer medications to our pharmacy.

Note, we only bill the SHIP insurance plan, so if you have private health insurance, you would pay the retail price and then submit a claim to your insurance company for reimbursement.

​We will call you only if there is a problem with refilling your prescription request. Otherwise your prescription will be filled in 24-48 hours.

You will be contacted by your provider through a secure message to your UCSD email address if you need to be seen by your provider, or if your provider has any questions for you.

ECP is available without a prescription at the SHS Pharmacy. The cost is approximately $20.00 plus tax.

Over-the-counter items such as cough and cold remedies, first aid supplies, lotions, ointments, contraceptives, and contact lens products are for sale at reduced student health prices.

If you have questions regarding the Drug Formulary or list of covered medications, please call Optum Member Services at (844) 265-1879. Optum is the UC SHIP carrier for pharmacy benefits.

As there may be some availability exceptions, please call and speak with one of our pharmacists if you have questions (858) 534-2135.


If you need assistance, call us at (858) 534-2135.