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The Flu (Influenza)

Where to Obtain Flu Vaccinedoctor bear

Note: Tdap vaccine also available at all Flu Clinics for incoming students needing to complete their requirements.​

What should I do if I get sick?  Is it a cold or the flu?

  • Stay at home or in your room until at least 24hrs after the fever has stopped. You are contagious while you are having a fever.
  • If you need advice, call Student Health at 858-534-3300 to speak to a nurse OR go to our home page under "Online Services" and click on "Your Secure Messages"  to send a direct message to the Advice Nurse.  We recommend that you do this first before coming into Student Health, as coming in could unnecessarily expose others to your illness.
  • ANTIBIOTICS are not effective for influenza as it is a virus.
  • Flu lasts for 7-10 days, and the cough can last longer.
  • Rest and drink plenty of fluids including water, broth and Gatorade.
  • Take Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever and aches.
  • Come in to Student Health if you have signs or symptoms of a serious illness (a fever lasting longer than 3-4 days, difficulty breathing, rash, severe headache, dehydration) or have a high risk condition (asthma, diabetes, immunosuppression or other chronic condition). Otherwise you are best off staying at home or in your room.

Is it the flu

  • Flu comes on suddenly and you will usually have fever, body aches and a headache.
  • Chest discomfort and a cough are common and can be severe.
  • There is sometimes accompanying sneezing, stuffy nose and a sore throat.
  • It lasts for 7-10 days, and the cough can last longer.


  • Frequent handwashing with soap & water OR alcohol hand wash.
  • Ensure adequate sleep/hydration/exercise/nutrition.

How Do I Know if I Have the Flu?

Find out if what you have is a cold or the flu.

How Can I Avoid Getting the Flu?

  • Get the flu vaccine.
  • Wash hands often (PDF)​ ​with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after a sneeze or cough. Use alcohol-based hand cleansers if soap and water is not available
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth​
  • Frequently wipe down areas, doorknobs, and phones used by multiple people with a disinfectant (Clorox wipes work well)
  • Get adequate sleep and exercise, eat healthy meals, and try to reduce stress
  • Avoid contact with others you know to be ill. If you must be near others who are ill, keep at least 6 feet distance