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Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection caused by a poxvirus which produces small, raised bumps on the skin. The bumps, called papules, often have a white pearl-like appearance and are usually painless, but may become irritated, itchy, or inflamed (red and swollen). The papules can affect anyone at any age and can form anywhere on the skin. The virus is spread by close contact with an infected person and typically lasts 2-6 months before spontaneously resolving.

How is it Transmitted?

The virus that causes molluscum contagiosum is contagious and is spread though close, skin-to-skin, physical contact, sexual contact, or by touching contaminated objects such as clothes or towels. The virus can be spread to others until the papules have disappeared. It is advised to avoid shaving the papules (bumps) as this may spread the virus to other areas on the skin, causing more papules to develop. Patients who live in warm, humid climates with crowded living conditions are at increased risk for becoming infected with molluscum contagiosum.

What are the Symptoms?

Symptoms can range from mild to severe; however, many patients with molluscum contagiosum are asymptomatic. Most commonly the skin becomes itchy but scratching may cause the infection to spread. Scratching can also cause the papules to become swollen, red, and painful. The most common complication of molluscum is a bacterial secondary infection. Patients with eczema or immunocompromised conditions may have larger, more numerous lesions and are at higher risk to develop secondary infections.

How is it Diagnosed and Treated?

A healthcare provider will diagnose a molluscum contagiosum infection after completing a physical examination and asking questions to understand more about the symptoms. The appearance of the papules and the presence or absence of other symptoms can be used to support the diagnosis.

The papules caused by the molluscum infection usually resolve spontaneously without scarring when left alone. Physically removing the papules by scraping or scooping increases the risk of scarring and is not recommended for otherwise healthy patients. Other forms of physical removal such as laser therapy or cryotherapy require a trained healthcare provider and can result in post-procedural pain, irritation, and scarring.

Gradual removal of the lesions may be achieved with oral therapy using cimetidine (Tagamet). While the medication is safe, painless, and well tolerated, facial lesions do not respond as well as lesions elsewhere on the body.

While there are a number of topical treatments available for molluscum contagiosum infection, they must be prescribed by and used under the direction of a healthcare provider and are not indicated for all patients.

It is important to understand that new lesions can form while existing ones are being treated and more lesions may develop even after initial treatment. Be aware that some treatments available on the internet may not be effective and can be harmful.

Can I Prevent Getting Infected?

This condition may be prevented by avoiding direct contact with anyone that has skin lesions, treating underlying eczema, not sharing towels or washcloths, sanitizing heavily used surfaces and objects, and practicing safe sex or avoiding having sex with partners who have an infection. Condoms don’t offer full protection because the virus can be found in areas not covered by the condom.

Contact Us

For any health-related questions, please send a question to Student Health Ask-a-Nurse in MyStudentChart or call the SHS Advice Nurse at (858) 534-3300. To make an appointment, please contact SHS or schedule through MyStudentChart.
